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Any good docs in NYC?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 7:27 pm
by vitam
I've had prostatitis symptoms for several months now. I now strongly suspect it is a Gardnerella infection, because my gf tested positive for an overgrowth of that and it seems to match my symptoms. The condition began after I started seeing her.

A lot of docs believe it can't be a cause, but there is extensive medical literature on Google Scholar indicating that it can be.

Does anyone know of any good doc in NYC (or near) who believes in testing this stuff before throwing more antibiotics at it? A positive test can also identify which antibiotic the Gardnerella is most sensitive to.

Thank you!!

Re: Any good docs in NYC?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 10:52 pm
by webslave
What are your symptoms, and what meds and antibiotics have you taken?

You can try the ultimate PCR-style tests if you are convinced it's gardnerella vaginalis.

Re: Any good docs in NYC?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:06 pm
by vitam
Thank you! Symptoms are pain when urinating and ejaculating, which had persisted for a couple months but which was not intolerable.

A doctor gave me Cipro without testing (awful idea and against FDA guidelines) which I took for 3.5 days and it had terrible side effects. Still have some generalized muscle twitching and increased anxiety now, 2 months later. Also was given the maximum does of Meloxicam (like Ibuprofen but stronger) at the same time. After both drugs, symptoms were as bad as ever, and actually had some blood in semen for a couple weeks.

No blood in it anymore -- prostatitis symptoms have now stabilized to the pre-meds level.

Cernilton/Graminex does reduce my symptoms a lot, but I think I should rule out bacterial causes first before deciding on that kind of management as a long-term solution. Also eating a clove of garlic each day now, which maybe-kind-of is helping.
