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Guests can't view threads or perform Searches?

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:54 pm
by webslave
You have to be REGISTERED to post messages.

A small one-time donation † (currently $20) is charged at the time of registration to enable this Discussion Board to continue.††

This website has saved the lives of many people. I have had emails from men telling me exactly that. Nobody is paid a salary to run this website; it is a community service run on donations and a modest advertizing revenue that barely covers costs (and not our time). Donations are sought to defray costs (software installation and necessary upgrades, forum monitoring and time spent answering questions, moderating and banning disruptive elements, doing backups, restoring after outages and hacking attacks, etc).

If you have any questions about the donation process, email me at support {at} ucpps do† men.

† - If you do not visit the forum for 2½ years, your account will be deactivated and a new donation required for re-activation.
†† - Donations are non-refundable.